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The Honduras Transformation Project was a two-year world missions campaign to fund and build a Bible Institute. A scouting trip was documented to form relationships and calculate the project needs. 

A team from Trinity Life Church in Baltimore, MD embarked on a scouting trip to partner with the Armenian Church. As a historically persecuted country, Armenia is in great need of support. 

Acts 2 Journey is a one-year program that assists pastors and their teams in church revitalization.

PennDel Ministry Network, a non-profit headquarters for over four-hundred churches, launches a rebrand at their annual Summit event.

A Kickstarter and GoFundMe campaign to create the first accurately translated Christian Bible in the Armenian language.

Assemblies of God World Missionaries (AGWM) Shahan and Tyra Teberian retell their story of how God called them out of Philadelphia and to the mission field of Armenia.

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